About Us

Datacorns made its debut in the middle of 2020 with data entry outsourcing and gradually scaled to incorporate customer support and web development with the goal of becoming one of the top global providers of back-office support and IT-enabled solutions.

We build Support System!

Let’s focus on revenues, more profits, productive teams, improved cash flows and simply just more peace of mind.

Datacorns is a company that helps boost the credibility of your brand and acts as a support system for businesses. They specialize in back-office customer support, including services such as data entry, ticket handling, call support, and chat support. They offer committed resources to small to mid-size businesses at a reasonable price to assist their operations.

Outsourcing back-office customer support can be cost-effective, saves time, provides omnichannel support, and increases customer loyalty and revenue. Datacorns creates websites tailored to specific business needs in order to help them stand out from the competition and achieve their goals. They make sure to propose a tailored and economical plan for each client and deliver first-rate services on schedule and within budget. By outsourcing services from Datacorns, they can be your support system for all your business needs.


We provide cutting-edge tech solutions with the ideal fusion of technology, innovation, and skilled resources. This helps us build prestige's clientele.
Our mission is to empower our partners with technology and skilled resources to the fullest extent possible so that they can achieve their goals.


We firmly believe in going above and beyond to earn the trust of our clients. We strive to enable our clients to have clear direction, focus and achieve success in all the areas of their business.
We envision a company led by smart, self motivated, multi national people helping other businesses achieve success.

Our Leaders

Shivkumar Salgotra


Shiv is a well-established engineering professional for 12+ years living in Nashville, TN. He is passionate about improving processes with latest technology. His way of coaching and guiding his team reflects his helpful and friendly nature.

Srikanth Mahankali

COO India

Over 15years of experience in HR process and operations, Srikanth is the head of operations of India team. He loves interacting with people and making friends. His ability to find right talent for the right position has helped our organization reach success in short time.

Arjun Tikaram


Arjun has over 12 years of experience in IT and software development. He is the tech guru who loves to help startup strategize with correct tech stack. He is a huge fan of Manchester united football club and lives in Nashville, TN.

Our Team

Deepika Sharma

Marketing Director

Deepika Sharma is a highly skilled and experienced marketing professional, with a strong background in digital marketing. As a Marketing Director, she possesses a deep understanding of the latest digital marketing strategies and technologies, and is able to develop and implement effective campaigns that drive business growth and customer engagement. 

Aniket Gupta

Website Developer

Aniket Gupta is an experienced professional with a strong background in WordPress and other web development technologies. He has a deep understanding of WordPress platform and can develop custom solutions that meet the specific needs of clients.