Our Services

We help small businesses build custom apps and provide seamless customer support solutions with our services

How can we grow you?

Website development

Website Development In this extremely competitive market, an amazing, user-friendly, and customized website must establish a niche. You can assist your visitors to remember you by having an attractive and well-designed website. We create websites that produce results at Datacorns. All of our website solutions are made to match your specific business requirements and make you stand out from the competition. No matter what you require, we can create websites that can assist you in achieving your objectives. Our developers are skilled in developing websites with amazing User Interfaces that are high-performance and result-driven. The compelling designs, distinct application interfaces, and solid back-end development of our websites will astound your potential customers.

Custom App development

We provide high-performance, customized apps that are built with your business needs in mind. It is essential to reach your potential clients where they are as the internet takes over. Our specialties include e-commerce app development, Android app development, and iOS app development that includes front-end, backend, database, and server solutions for mobile apps, web applications & desktops, enterprise solutions & eLearning solutions. With the support of a team of experienced engineers and industry professionals, we apply our technical understanding to turn your original ideas into productive apps. These apps are made to improve your business’s user experience, brand presence, and user journey. Our apps optimize your business process while keeping in mind your specific requirements to boost efficiency. Checkout our work at ioship.us

Backoffice Support

Customer Support Services By outsourcing customer support services with Datacorns, you get the best quality of processes, reduced handling time as well as a quick resolution to customer queries. 

Call support: Our inbound services involve answering questions about the products or services or helping them with problems they encounter with the services while the outbound services involve calling a business’s current or potential consumers. These calls are typically made to increase sales, sell subscriptions, or keep customers. Outsourcing call support from Datacorns is a simpler way to reduce waiting time and dropped calls and increase conversion.

Chat Support: With 24/7 personalized client messaging, you can increase revenue, sales, and customer support. In spite of your best efforts, it’s possible that your ideal agent won’t be accessible when needed. You can rely on Datacorns in situations like this. Your team won’t miss any client chats if you do it this way. We provide live chat support around-the-clock.

IT Helpdesk support: Customers can address their essential technical problems with an array of products and services by contacting an IT helpdesk. This service is essential for retaining your customers given the growing number of technology users in the world. The services include technical support for hardware products, operating systems, emails, portable devices and more.

Ticket Handling Support: Datacorns helps customers with online tickets by utilizing higher intelligence and reducing manual labor. By assembling a team to handle your daily operational/technical issue, you can lessen your headache. We have a group of six sigma-trained experts who can work on your systems to resolve problems raised by operations on a daily basis.

Data Entry Support

Datacorns helps businesses to streamline their workflow and make data entry processes easier. We provide the outsourced data entry services your company requires. You can focus on what you do best while relying on our team of different specialists to handle the rest. Any business owner has access to a team that can compete with a huge corporation’s back office. When you have professionals working for you, all of it can be handled by our staff, and we provide a wide range of services at affordable prices. We provide the most reliable data entry and processing services at a price that is unmatched. You not only save time by working with us, but you also cut your operating costs by 30 to 60%.Companies use these services during their data collection process or if they need help with their document-handling process. Its used for a variety of purposes, including personal record keeping, real estate documentations, online surveys, data mining and more.