mobile apps at Datacorns

How we develop mobile apps at Datacorns

The internet is a never-ending connection to the web. One would think that the web browser would overpower the use of apps, but the case is quite the opposite. According to a study done by eMarketer, an average US adult spends more than 4 hours on their mobile internet. And 88% of it is on apps. Today, an average human starts their day using a smartphone scrolling through apps and ends it the same way. To satisfy the needs of growing demands of the customers, app developers are striving hard. The process of developing mobile apps at Datacorns will give you a better idea of what your consumer exactly needs.

Whether Android or iOS, mobile apps are here to stay and make an impression. And companies have started to turn a blind eye to the traditional mobile web. And on the other hand, have started to give a stronger preference to mobile apps. As the digital world grows at a faster pace, the want for mobile apps is increasing as well. This also means that brands also need to have a proper mobile app to create a relevant stand in the market.

To build any application, it is important to know the step-by-step process that we follow to build mobile apps. Now that the basics are out of the way, and we have a better understanding, let’s take a deeper look at how we develop mobile apps at Datacorns.

1. Understanding the requirement:

The first step is to start with understanding the needs of the business. We at Datacorns make sure to narrow down what exactly you need. This is done by having a one-to-one conversation and jotting down the specifics. Specifics like what is the goal of your app? How and in what way will it solve your business model? How much are you ready to invest in it?

By clearing the basics, we get a clearer picture of your business needs. Further, we can then bifurcate whether your business needs a Native app or a Hybrid one. Along with answering these questions, we then move forward with your mobile app development process. 

2. Market Research:

Once the initial stage is out of the way, we move on to the next step of studying your competition. How is your competitor developing their app? What is the key element of their rapid growth? How are they keeping their target audience engaged? What can be done better with your app, that hasn’t already been done? What business model are your customers following? Who is your core target audience? How much is your audience willing to pay for your app? What would be the time span to develop your app?

Among other questions, these will be asked and answered at this stage. This step is done to ensure that the final product doesn’t lack any important bits. So that in the future it will be smooth sailing.

3. Sketch out a framework: 

The way your mobile application looks and feels makes a solid impression on the minds of your users. And before giving them that experience, Datacorns aims to give you that experience. Any big-scale project needs to have a skeleton of sorts. Once everything is in place, our designers start working on the wireframes of your mobile app. Wireframes are a digital blueprint of your final developed product. This gives you a closer and better look at what the application will look like once it is up and ready for business.

Also Read: Custom Website Design Improvement Tips

4. Development:

Most of these mobile app development projects have three crucial parts.

  • Mobile backend server technologies
  • Application Programming Interface (APIs)
  • Frontend Development

The backend server is the development that is required to run your app flawlessly. These backends are used to store, secure, and process data. This is the step where the behind the scenes magic happens. Also, ensure that your user has a pleasant experience using the mobile app.

A front end is everything that happens on screen. This is the developed process that the user gets to experience. The front end is the final visual of the app that the user will see. This also consists of an interactive UI, backed by the API and a strong backend.

5. Testing the Developed App:

After successfully developing the app, our team does quality checks to ensure the app is on-point. These tests include UX testing, functionality testing, security, device, and platform testing.

6. Execution: 

After all the important tests are out of the way, the final step is execution. The mobile app will be launched for general public usage at your desired time and date. Apart from execution, Datacorns also makes sure to keep track of the developments made by the app. In this process, we also notice and catch any glitches or bugs that may occur. 

iOs and Android, two major and prominent mobile app platforms have many similarities. But both of them require different software development kits. iOS app development is required and solely used by Apple for its own devices. Whereas, Google makes Android app development available to other companies provided that they meet specific requirements such as including certain Google applications on the devices they ship.

It is essential to reach your potential clients where they are as the internet takes over. Our specialties include e-commerce app development, Android app development, and iOS app development. With the support of a team of seasoned programmers and industry professionals, we apply our vast expertise to turn your original ideas into productive apps.

Mobile Apps are making a benchmark in the market. Consumers love it. Brands want it and so do you. They are faster and easier to use and navigate. They make your brand look cleaner and give it an approachable aura. If you are a brand that is looking to leverage this want of the market then developing mobile apps is the way to go.

Though it may seem like a tough job, how we develop mobile apps at Datacorns makes the job easier for you. Our team will help you navigate each step with the utmost efficiency.

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