live chat

5 reasons why every e-Commerce store needs live chat

In a day and age where communication is the key, a must-have for any e-commerce store is having good engagement. If the customer’s favorite site isn’t cooperative enough, they will skip the site. Many e-commerce platforms have started providing live chat support to avoid this predicament. They might outsource chat support or get it done in-house.

When your e-commerce platform is live and running full-fledged, having live chat support helps in increasing customer loyalty and elevates customer engagement to a different level. Before we get started on why your store needs a live chat, let’s dissect what the word actually means.

What’s an E-Commerce Live Chat? 

Live Chat is a support service that helps your audience get help on your website in real-time. Customers can chat with a customer service agent that is outsourced or with bots. This type of end-to-end direct customer service is gaining widespread momentum and recognition. Especially in the fast-paced internet era, where time waits for no man. Let’s delve deeper into the reasons why every e-Commerce store needs live chat.

1. Provides instant service to your customer

Buying and selling things on the internet is as easy and quick as blinking twice. These decisions which are made in seconds can be altered by customer support.

Traditionally speaking, e-commerce platforms offer customer service via telephone calls or emails. These methods can be extremely time-consuming and often confusing. A customer in a hurry would rather skip the entire website than wait for a reply to their single query.

By enabling live chat, you ensure that this abandonment can be avoided. Because live chats are quicker, more agile, and more focused. A live chat service will help provide quick and instant service all the while ensuring the sale stays intact.

2. Serve multiple customers at the same time

As an e-commerce store, it becomes essential to save time and cover larger areas. Your store can’t just cater to one customer at a time. This will heighten the chances of your consumer slipping away.

A live chat customer support system will help you increase your channels. This can be achieved because a chat service can focus on multiple customers at the same time. The consumer won’t have to wait hours for a single reply to their query. They can just hop on the live chat service and resolve their doubts in a jiffy.

With more and more people pointing out slow and lagging customer support service as the biggest setback for e-stores, live chat can act as the best savior.

3. Valuable insights on customer behavior and personalized services

One of the biggest perks of having a live chat in place is providing your customers with a personalized experience. Through live chats, you can ask your customers for feedback on the spot. This increases the chances of getting one rather than them just pushing it forward. This feedback comes in handy when the customer is back for another purchase.

If you opt to outsource your customer support service, you can have a bank of information ready. This might include:

  • The time and date when the customer opts for a live chat.
  • Uncovers the purchase history pattern.
  • Products that they like or dislike.
  • The number of pages they have visited.
  • Time spent on each of these pages.
  • Real-time learning of the customer experience.

For instance, there’s a customer stuck at the billing page. Your live chat might pop up and provide them with the help they need to complete the process. This will make the engagement much easier. Live chat will help you get an insight into your customer behavior pattern, which oftentimes an email interaction can miss out on.

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4. Automation that saves time

Live chat is the best way to save some valuable time when running a business on the internet. And when saving time is the topic, what will be better than automated replies?

Oftentimes than more, customer queries can be repetitive and won’t actually need breaking the brains. These are times when automated replies will come in handy. Some of the automated responses that can be seen in live chats are:

  • Welcome the customer upon arrival.
  • Navigating them to the order tracking portal.
  • Suggesting products based on their purchase pattern.
  • Help them figure out your store’s nooks and crannies.
  • Automation rules that will be activated when the customer provides some information or meets certain criteria. 

Just like the autopilot mode, automated chatbots help save time and labor, also cutting down the cost in the process. Moreover, this ensures the customer is happy and satisfied with the experience.

5. Offline lead generator

The beauty of e-commerce stores is that the customer can have access to it at any given point in time. The downside, this might leave you with sales leads that go missing.

Live chat can help you in catching these leads. Even if the customer has some query at ungodly hours if the live chat is a bot it can easily solve it. And if your business has opted for outsourcing customer support, the chat can always collect information from the customer.

Having an engaging conversation with your audience base and collecting their input is the start of curating a loyal customer base. And Live chat service will help you create this community.

Live chat customer support service is quickly becoming the star of the show. More and more e-commerce stores are opting for this over tardy mail and long call waits. It is an economical way to elevate the customer experience. It will make you stand out from your competitors and hence generate more traffic.

By incorporating Live chat support, you are enabling your customers to freely explore your store and hence gaining loyalty in exchange. And this loyalty will in the end help your business grow and nurture.

Regardless of how hard you try, it’s possible that your perfect agent won’t be reachable when you need them. In circumstances like this, you may count on Datacorns. Our staff at Datacorns will assist you in quickly setting up Live Chat if you’re searching for a quick and efficient approach to add it to your ecommerce marketplace. With Live Chat customer support in place, you will be just a few steps away from giving your customer the best possible shopping time. 

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