data entry

How you can make data entry processes easier

Every organization today deals with some or other type of data analysis on a daily basis. As with most tasks, data entry is either manual or automated. Organizations opt to outsource data entry services or go in-house. Regardless, managing and streamlining these processes is crucial. This is where Datacorns comes into the picture. We are here to handle this crucial work for your company.

Streamlining any process means simplifying it. This simplification is often achieved by eliminating unrequired and elaborate steps. Streamlining the data entry process can make your business thrive and work efficiently. Apart from growing your business, streamlining the data entry process has other advantages.

Advantages of the data entry process

  • Improves communication and coordination among teams
  • Enhances efficiency, agility, and efficiency throughout the organization
  • Aligns your business with the industry norms
  • Simplifies the hierarchy chain within the different work chains
  • Makes employee training much more accessible

Usually businesses can avoid mishaps in the system by outsourcing data entry services. If that is out of the question, then they would opt for In-house resources. Sourcing your own support service comes with its own challenges and hardships. Here’s a quick guide for you to streamline data entry processes for your business.

Eliminating unwanted data

Data entry can be highly time-consuming if you go in-house or even outsource. This can be easily simplified or streamlined by focusing on critical data. Sorting out the important data entries is the first step to simplification. While tossing away the unuseful ones is the second. This in turn will help your business save time, resources, and space.

Surveying common errors

We can handle a lot very easily if the data entry is double-checked for errors. Sorting out mistakes from the start will help in avoiding more serious mishaps. We can solve these errors in two ways. The first is the cluster analysis method and the latter is the event analysis method.

  • Cluster Analysis

This technique involves gathering and identifying common groups and sorting them. Bucketing such groups help in better management and saves time. Finding out similar patterns in a cluster becomes easier after identifying common errors.

  • Event Analysis

With the help of the event analysis technique, we can find the root cause of any error. We can sort the error once the bigger picture is clear about why this certain error is forming a pattern. The eventual elimination of the root cause helps in avoiding any future mishaps.

Some common mistakes that you can look out for when surveying the data entries:

  • Incorrect data– Misrecording can occur when data is incorrectly written.
  • Insertion – Commonly this error occurs with numbers. This occurs when an extra character gets added or appears. This can happen when numbers aren’t involved as well.
  • Deletion – Another error that occurs with numbers. Deletion happens when one or more characters from a series get lost.
  • Swapping – This commonly happens when the data entry is manually made and characters get mixed up.
Also read: How we develop mobile apps at Datacorns

Limiting the data input

There is a lot of work involved in data entry. It can thus get tedious. On top of that, the number of databases that go into it daily is a lot to keep track of. For a business, it becomes crucial to sort this data out. Often more than ever, these entries which might seem unavoidable can actually be unnecessary. Piling them up only means increasing your work and making your system prone to errors. Prioritizing the data that goes into the system helps avoid extra work, long hours, and is lighter on the pocket.

Preparing a recording system

Having documented recordings of how your system works and flows is very important. Despite having a big team with many systems, it’s impossible to memorize all the steps. A user guide of sorts, that lays out all the steps of the workflow can come in handy.

Additionally, taking notes and keeping a track of the data entry process also helps. This can cut the error count and avoid mishaps in the future.

Analyzing beforehand

Once your workflow is set and the data is in place, the next step is to analyze. Analyzing your data process will help you identify outdated, monotonous, or heavy-on-the-pocket processes.

This will ensure that you are saving time and being cost-effective. Thus, these qualities will streamline your data entry process.

Accepting feedback

Once your system gets streamlined and up and running, taking feedback is crucial. The data entry system that is set in place will have some ifs and buts about it. And the best way to detect that is by listening to those who use it. Employees who make use of the suctions on a daily basis have the best picture of how it operates. By listening to this feedback, you might even come across a better solution to some issues. Surveys, meetings, or one-on-one feedback sessions can prove useful as one of the ways.

Making adjustments

Lastly, there isn’t any workflow out in the industry that is full-proof. Each one has its own setbacks. There is a chance that your data entry process might also knock on some hurdles. Accepting those hurdles and making adjustments accordingly is the way to go forward. This process might take a few trials and errors, but setting a goal always helps. Reaching that goal in itself is a challenging task and can be tiring at times. Sometimes, the process might be faulty other times the employee might not get it. Coming to a solution that works both ways is what streamlining your process is all about.

You can streamline your data entry process with patience, a good set of rules, and ethics. You have to be fully satisfied with how your workflow functions and runs. Only then you can go ahead and give it a green signal. Following these pointers can help in achieving the best workflow in your business. 

You can save time and up to 60% on operating expenses by outsourcing data entry services from Datacorns. This method of outsourcing a data entry service will not only reduce your workload but will also save you money and time. Our highly skilled labor is reliable and comes from India. Businesses use these services while collecting data or when they need help in processing documents. You can use our services for data mining, online surveys, real estate documents, storing personal records, and more.

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